To get rid of soreness and pain in the feet, try these methods
Feet pain has several causes, including excessive activity and movement, or due to the nature of a woman’s work that requires her to stand for long periods, or because of a lack of nutrients.
To get rid of foot pain, the following methods must be followed:
First: water and salt
One of the most common but very useful methods is to dip the feet in a bowl of hot water in which salt has been dissolved for a quarter of an hour.
Second: essential oils.
Or, instead of salt, the feet can be dipped in a bowl of hot water with essential oils such as eucalyptus oil, rosemary oil, or peppermint oil for ten minutes.
Third: vinegar
Mix two tablespoons of vinegar in a bowl containing hot water with a little English salt and dip the feet in the mixture for a third of an hour.
Fourth: mint tea
Peppermint tea has many benefits in relieving pain, so it is recommended that mint tea be added to a bowl of hot water and soak the feet in the mixture.
Fifth: Oiling with oils
A foot massage using oils improves blood circulation in the feet and relieves pain, so it is recommended to mix drops of chamomile oil, lavender oil, and olive oil, and rub the feet with the mixture.
Sixth: clove oil
It is known that cloves contribute to relieving pain, so it is recommended that the feet be rubbed with clove oil to get rid of pain and improve blood circulation in the feet.
Seven: ice cubes
Ice cubes contribute to relieving the pain and swelling of the feet, so it is recommended that the feet be rubbed with them.
Eighth: Heat and cold treatment
This method contributes to improving blood circulation in the feet by placing the feet in a bowl of hot water for three minutes, then transferring the feet to a bowl of cold water for a minute, repeating this method three times.
Ninth: Exercise for the feet
Some exercises help relieve sore feet.
Tenth: Raising the feet
Elevating the feet is one of the ways to help relieve foot pain.
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